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PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2022 7:15 am 

Joined: Wed Jul 29, 2015 11:07 pm
Posts: 2
Here with Windows 10 Pro 20H2. Here's my desktop setup currently:

As you can see, using Classic Shell to get an easy-to-understand Win 98 style start menu with a modern graphical look. Everything expands according to categories in a tree-view framework. This has been my preference as long as I can remember and cannot fathom why it ever had to be changed, but that is beside the point. If anything, the start menus post-Win 98 should only have added more customization options to cater for the very wide range of users. Luckily, thanks to Classic Shell, this is still possible. Anyway..

A new discovery quite recently was the half-transparent taskbar. I went through several third-party programs and was delighted to see that Classic Shell had this option already. So I immediately went for that, because 1) less stuff to load on startup 2) it's there as soon as you log in

The very latest addition to my minimalistic desktop is the removal of the 'show desktop' button at the lower right corner of the screen. Yeah, not just disabling it, but getting rid of it completely. It's useless. To go to the desktop right away, I use the keyboard shortcut Win+D.. these things should, again, be highly customizable.. and it's beyond my understanding why Microsoft would force their own ideas upon us and giving the users no room to design their own workspace. However, after loooong Googling sessions, I've conceded there's no other way to remove this button than to use 7+ Taskbar Tweaker. From what I've read, it's not modifying any registry entries, but it's achieved by 'injecting a .dll' into Windows Explorer. Somehow. Or something..

Now when I log on, it takes a short while for this to take effect, but finally, things look as intended.. which brings me to my question:
if it's clearly achievable, as seen on my screenshot, is it perhaps possible to add this option (to remove the 'show desktop button') to Classic Shell as well? I'm no programmer, so the details given above are as much as my understanding goes, but I would welcome this addition with all of my limbs.
Giving users many different options is one of the fundamentals of any respectable application or utility.. in my opinion at least, so thankfully Classic Shell
can do many of the good things I remember from the old days of Windows. The more freedom, the better.. hopefully, one day, Classic Shell can be a single hub for all these tweaks and everybody can use Windows the way they see fit.

Let me know whether the request above could be implemented!


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