11 start button 100 percent scale size
Here is a more animated Win 11 start button similar to @djmike3404
I used the Virtualdub64 program to screen capture uncompressed video of the original button action,
exported as png frames, cropped the selected frame images with Pixelformer program, assembled together,
and added the extra top pixel line from:
http://www.classicshell.net/tutorials/b ... orial.html Problem.
I actually had to cut half the frames out because the animation is only available for Normal to Hot,
whereas the original Win 11 button seems to have a little animation from normal to hot and animation in hot to pressed and beyond.
Oh well.
I decided to put the longer goofier one up here before it goes to my recycle bin.
The first frame matches normal state. All other frames are supposed to be when the button is pressed and released, but not available in CS.
Added the djmike3404 lookalike simple 100% button.
Maybe you can cut parts out the buttons and assemble into your own button.
Back to Win 10 for me. Win 11 is a pain to use.
One would think if I copy something with the context menu, Windows 11 should have the brains to not put
a shorter context menu without the paste feature (unless I click to expand)!
Hope by next years update, they get their act together for this and taskbar design.