Classic Shell

Explorer Toolbar button for "Create shortcut"
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Author:  Gaurav [ Fri Aug 05, 2016 7:17 am ]
Post subject:  Explorer Toolbar button for "Create shortcut"  Topic is solved

Here is an AutoHotkey script I found somewhere on the web ages ago that I use to add "Create shortcut" functionality to the Classic Explorer toolbar. It does not work with more than one selected file at a time though. But if you set it to run as administrator from Compatibility tab in Properties, it can create a shortcut in UAC-protected locations where Explorer fails to create a shortcut and asks you to create one on the Desktop.

The syntax is:
CreateShortcut.exe <item to which you wish to create a shortcut>

So for a Classic Explorer Toolbar button, you must use this in the Command field:
<Full path to CreateShortcut.exe "%2"
The shortcut will be created in the same folder as the original item.

I did not create this AutoHotkey and I don't remember the source. Credits go to the original author, whoever wrote it.

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